%0 Journal Article %T Analytical and stability studies on medical cosmetics %A M. I. Eid %A M. E. K. Wahba %J Research in Pharmacy %D 2011 %I GKS Publisher %X Two simple and sensitive spectrofluorimetric (method ¦©) and spectrophotometric(method ¦©¦©) methods have been developed for the determination of some chloridecontaining toothpastes and panthenol-containing cosmetic preparations respectively.Method ¦© is based on quantitative fluorescence quenching of (terbium-salicylate-hexamineternary complex) by fluoride which could be measured at ¦Ëem/¦Ëex of 547nm/322nm. The ¦¤Fconcentrationplot was rectilinear over the concentration range of 0.5-20 ¦Ìg/ml. Method ¦©¦©depends reaction of panthenol with nitrobenzoxadiazole chloride (NBD-Cl) and measuringthe absorbance of the resultant product at 480nm. The absorbance- concentration plot wasrectilinear over the concentration range of 2-20 ¦Ìg/ml %K Panthenol %K Spectrophotometry %K Spectrofluorimetry %K Stability studies %U http://www.researchinpharmacy.com/view/article/3/3/2