%0 Journal Article %T HARNESSING THE INTRINSIC ENVIRONMENT BRAIN - BODY METASTABILITY. TOWARD MULTI - TIME - SCALE LOAD STIMULATOR/SIMULATOR SYSTEMS. %A Robert Hristovski %A Nat¨¤lia Balagu¨¦ %J Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health %D 2012 %I Faculty of Physical Culture, Skopje %R 18578152 %X In this paper we propose a technical device to implement in eddy current brakes of exercise machine. It is based on the recently found spontaneous behaviour of the human beings environment brain-body system while performing various kinds of goal-directed tasks. We hypothesize that embedding the performers in a multi-time-scale (MTS) fluctuation regime of resistance will provide a high adaptive effects on their bodily functions. First we make a brief review on investigated tasks that revealed such fluctuation temporal performance structure and then we proceed to a more technical description of performance temporal fluctuations and their main properties. In the final part we describe the expected properties and benefits of ergometers and exercise machines implementing such system. %K ergometers %K exercise machines %K workload %K scale-invariant spectrum %K multifractal %K fractal %K fluctuations %K proprioception %U http://www.pesh.mk/PDF/Vol_1_No_2/12.pdf