%0 Journal Article %T Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis and Conservation of Herbs used by the Tribal people of Bolangir (Orissa), India as a Remedy against Threatened Miscarriage %A Sarada Prasad Mohapatra %J Research in Pharmacy %D 2011 %I GKS Publisher %X A phytochemical analysis of herbal plants used as a remedy against threatenedmiscarriage was made in the tribal dominated village panchayat of Bolangir, Orissa. Thetribes like Sabar, Kondha, Gond and Mahar etc dominated the area of study where fivespecies were identified such as Corchorus olitorius, Carica papaya, Sida acuta, Ceibapentandra and Heliotropium indicum. The alkaloid, saponins, resins, flavonoids content ofthese plants mainly control the miscarriage without any side effects as they are of naturalproducts. So the proper conservation of such precious medicinal plants is required for futureuse as these are in a verge of extinction due to various environmental constraints. %K Phytochemical analysis %K Herbs %K Threatened miscarriage %K Bolangir %U http://www.researchinpharmacy.com/view/article/3/1/5