%0 Journal Article %T THE ROLE OF ALTITUDE, LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF MEADOW VEGETATION IN THE FLOODPLAINS OF THE NORTHERN UKRAINE %A A. KUZEMKO %J Annali di Botanica %D 2011 %I University La Sapienza of Rome %X This paper presents a comparison of syntaxa at alliance level from Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Koelerio-Corynephoretea and Phragmito-Magnocaricetea classes, considering altitude, latitude and longitude. The results show that the syntaxa may be divided into two groups: one geographically specific (with a narrow distribution and propensity for certain climatic zones or regions, e.g. Agrostio stoloniferae-Beckmannion eruciformis) and the other non-geographically specific (with a wide distribution and occurring in several climatic zones e.g. typical Festucion pratensis alliance). The role of climate in the differentiation of floodplain meadow vegetation is considerable in spite of the well known azonality of such vegetation. This can be explained by the changes in environmental conditions, especially soil reaction, temperature and continentality. %U http://annalidibotanica.uniroma1.it/index.php/Annalidibotanica/article/view/9125