%0 Journal Article %T Scientists, consider where you publish %A Michael Seringhaus %J Neurobiology of Lipids %D 2004 %I %X For scientists, publishing a paper in a respected peer-reviewed journal marks the culmination of successful research. But some of the most prestigious and sought-after journals are so costly to access that a growing number of academic libraries can't afford to subscribe. Before submitting your next manuscript, consider a journal's access policy alongside its prestige - and weigh the implications of publishing in such costly periodicals. Two distinct problems continue to plague scientific publishing. First, institutional journal subscription costs are skyrocketing so fast that they outstrip the ability of many libraries to pay, threatening to sever scientists from the literature. Second, the taxpaying public funds a terrific amount of research in this country, and with few exceptions, can't access any of it. These problems share a common root - paid access to the scientific literature. %K Free open access %K STM journals archives publishing %K institutional repositories %K Public Library of Science PLoS %K BioMed Central %K PubMed Central PMC %K SPARC %K access price permission barrier %K serials pricing crisis %K US Congress %K science policy %K Elsevier Cell Press Immunity Neuron %U http://neurobiologyoflipids.org/content/3/10/