%0 Journal Article %T Characterization of near-surface sediments based on combined geoelectric studies at Starunia palaeontological site and vicinity (Carpathian region, Ukraine) %A W£¿odzimierz J. MO£¿CICKI %J Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae %D 2009 %I Geological Society of Poland %X Combined geoelectric research was performed in the Starunia area, where the specimens of woolly rhinoceros were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. The work included: DC resistivity soundings, electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements, resistivity imaging and penetrometer-based resistivity profiling. The main purpose of the survey was to give geoelectric characterization of near-to-surface sediments and estimate their variability (extent, thickness and electric resistivity). Generally, resistivity of geological strata is low and decreases with depth but its spatial distribution is locally complex. This complexity reflects joint effects caused by the presence of salty underground water outflows from the salt-bearing Miocene Vorotyshcha beds into the Quaternary sediments, distinct transformations of the geological medium by former ozokerite and oil exploitation and current activity of the natural geological processes in the area. %K geoelectric survey %K DC resistivity soundings %K electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements %K resistivity imaging %K penetrometer-based resistivity profiling %K Starunia %K Ukraine %U http://www.asgp.pl/2009/79_3/333-342.html