%0 Journal Article %T A new find of mammoth tusk in loess-like sediments of the Zakliczyn Basin (Outer Western Carpathians, Poland) %A Marek CIESZKOWSKI %A Witold ZUCHIEWICZ %A Witold P. ALEXANDROWICZ %A Piotr WOJTAL %J Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae %D 2010 %I Geological Society of Poland %X In June 2007, in a valley side of a small stream close to Janowice in the Western Outer Carpathians of Poland, a 1.8 m long mammoth tusk was found within loamy-debris solifluction sediments, ca. 1 m thick. These discordantly overlie a 4-m-high strath built up of steeply dipping sandstones of the Krosno beds of the Skole Nappe, being in turn covered by 7.5-m-thick loessial silts and loess-like slopewash sediments. The latter are overlain at the top by another solifluction cover, ca. 1.5 m thick. The mammoth tusk belonged to an adult animal, probably 30-60 years old. The succession of malacofaunistic assemblages within loess-like sediments indicates a cold, polar climate, and an environment resembling tundra developed upon moderately moist substratum during the last glacial stage. The lower part of malacological sequence enriched in mesophile species probably refers to the Vistulian (Weichselian) interpleniglacial period. The middle part, indicative of more dry habitats, can be associated with the younger Pleniglacial, whereas the top part should represent the terminal phase of the latter. Sediments bearing the mammoth tusk were probably deposited at the turn of the Vistulian older Pleniglacial and Interpleniglacial time. %K loesses %K mammoth remains %K malacofauna %K Upper Pleistocene %K Polish Outer Carpathians %U http://www.asgp.pl/2010/80_1/089-099.html