%0 Journal Article %T THE CLASSIFICATION OF SLOVAK GRASSLAND COMMUNITIES TO THE HIGHER SYNTAXONOMICAL UNITS %A I. SKODOVA %A M. JANISOVA %J Annali di Botanica %D 2008 %I University La Sapienza of Rome %X Formal classification of Slovak grassland communities belonging to the classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Festuco-Brometea, and partly the Nardetea strictae (Nardo strictae-Agrotion tenuis, Violion caninae) was performed in 2007. The classification of several associations within the alliances appeared to be ambiguous. As the membership of these associations to alliances is not unified in the national syntaxonomical reviews of European countries, an attempt was done for its re-evaluation based on the results of numerical classification and ordination. %U http://annalidibotanica.uniroma1.it/index.php/Annalidibotanica/article/view/9099