%0 Journal Article %T THE EUROPEAN POSITION OF DUTCH PLANT COMMUNITIES %A J.A.M. JANSSEN %A I. KEIZER-SEDLAKOVA %A J.H.J. SCHAMINEE %A S.M. HENNEKENS %J Annali di Botanica %D 2007 %I University La Sapienza of Rome %X In this paper it is analyzed for which plant communities (alliances) the Netherlands has an international responsibility. Data has been brought together on the range and distribution of alliances in Europe, the area of plant communities in the Netherlands and surrounding countries and the occurrence of endemic associations in the Netherlands. The analysis resulted in a list of 34 out of 93 alliances in the Netherlands which are important from an international point of view. %U http://annalidibotanica.uniroma1.it/index.php/Annalidibotanica/article/view/9084