%0 Journal Article %T THE DIVERSITY OF SEGETAL WEEDS IN CRETE (GREECE) ATSPECIES AND COMMUNITY LEVEL %A ERWIN BERGEMEIER %J Annali di Botanica %D 2006 %I University La Sapienza of Rome %X Based on a data set of 74 relev¨¦s of cereal fields treated without application of herbicides and fertilizers, the Cretan segetal weed flora and vegetation is analysed. The species pool on the fields comprises almost 20 % of the total flora of Crete although only about 5% occur more commonly as segetal weeds. While most species accur in a wider range of synanthropic (sub)nitrophytic habitats or semi-natural formations such as phrygana, woodlands and semiwet meadows, a total of 33 species are exclusive weeds of traditional agriculture. The latter inclde annual species but also a considerable number of geophytes. Several such obligate weed taxa found only in one or few fields atre threatend from a regional extinction. Two segetal species last recorded 100 yeras ago have not been confirmed. Oxalispes-capreae is the only alien wwed within the last decades that successfully invaded Cretan cereal fields. By means of classification of relev¨¦s using floristic criteria 7 plant community types were identified and assigned to three associations (with additional sub-types). Species composition, distribution and ecology of the community types are described and the syntaxonomic and biogeographical relations discussed. %K Aegean %K Cereal fields %K Obligate weeds %K Segetal plant communities %K Stellarietea mediae %K Traditional agriculture %U http://annalidibotanica.uniroma1.it/index.php/Annalidibotanica/article/view/9160