%0 Journal Article %T Influence of microstructured carbon materials on Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don.) Endl. in vitro culture %A Raluca Stoiculescu %A Gina Cog£¿lniceanu %A Aurelia Brezeanu %A Gabriela Hristea %J Annals of Forest Research %D 2009 %I Forest Research and Management Institute ICAS %X The present experimental research has been mainly focused on Sequoiasempervirens (D. Don.) Endl. as woody plant model system, for testing the influence of some microstructured carbon materials (CCM) comparing with the activated charcoal action, on the in vitro growth. The work hypothesis was that CCM can induce effects on the plant culture, similar to those induced by activated charcoal, due totheir high absorption capacity. The influence of two types CCM and activated charcoal introduced in the medium culture was evaluated on the fresh weight and on the length of the in vitro regenerants, after 30 and 60 days of cultivation. Our data revealed that the CCM is not toxic and does not inhibit plant growth. We also remarked that S. sempervirens (D. Don.) Endl. was more reactive to the activatedcharcoal into the nutritive medium than the CCM compounds. The use of these new microstructured compounds is an important step both in the study of materials science and in the field of plant biotechnologies. %K Sequoia sempervirens %K microstructured carbon materials %K in vitro culture %U http://www.editurasilvica.ro/afr/52/1/13_Stoiculescu.pdf