%0 Journal Article %T Performance Comparison of AODV & DSR Routing Protocol in a Fading Environmen %A D.D.Seth %A Harpreet Jolly %A Dipti Divya %A Garima Aastha %A Jewsree Brahma %J International Journal of Advanced Computer Research %D 2013 %I Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT) %X In most of the performance comparison of routingprotocols, the effects of fadingsare rarelyconsidered. The protocols are instead compared interms of traffic intensity, node intensity and mobilityetc. In this paper, the performance of two classicrouting protocols for adhoc network such as AODV& DSR are compared for Ricean and Rayleighfading environment. Qualnet Simulator has beenused for the simulation and performance analysis.It was found that DSR protocol gives morethroughput and less average end-end delay incomparison to AODV for both Ricean & Rayleighfading environment. %K MANET %K Routing Algorithm %K Rayleigh fading %K Ricean fading %K Qualnet %U http://www.theaccents.org/ijacr/papers/conference/icacc2013/57.pdf