%0 Journal Article %T Bud burst and flowering phenology in a mixed oak forest from Eastern Romania %A Ecaterina Nicoleta Chesnoiu %A Nicolae Sofletea %A Alexandru Lucian Curtu %A Alin Toader %J Annals of Forest Research %D 2009 %I Forest Research and Management Institute ICAS %X Bud burst and flowering phenology have been observed in year 2008 ina natural white oak species complex situated in eastern Romania. A total of 300 mature individuals was mapped and identified based on leaf morphology. The community consists of four oak species: Quercus pedunculiflora, Q. robur, Q. pubescens and Q. petraea. A set of 28 individuals could not be unambiguously classified to one or another species. Data on bud burst showed a normal distribution and the differences among species were small. The "very late" flushing was recorded on 15th of April, three weeks later when compared to early flushing individuals. The time period between the bud burst and the complete development of leaves was nearly the same in all oak species, varying on average, between 18.4 and 20.6 days. The spatialdistribution of phenological groups within the complex appears to be non-randomly, because in many parts of the study plot exist groups in which most of the trees belong to the same phenological category. Our results indicate an overlap in flowering time for all oak species which occur in the area. The data support the hypothesis that interspecific gene flow is possible between closely related oak species. %K Quercus %K bud burst %K flowering %K oak %U http://www.editurasilvica.ro/afr/52/1/20_Chesnoiu.pdf