%0 Journal Article %T A WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK FOR MONITORING ATMOSPHERIC AGGRESSIVENESS IN METALS %A Pablo Pancardo %A Ebelia del Angel %A Miguel A. Wister %J International Journal of Ad Hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Humid tropical climate favours the existence of a corrosive atmosphere that causes deterioration of metals.This article describes an automated system for monitoring environmental values (temperature and relativehumidity) in order to know the time of wetness (TOW), which is key factor in determining the atmosphericaggressiveness which are exposed the metals used, for example, in industrial facilities. System isimplemented on a wireless sensor network and the main function of the software developed is to count thetime of wetness which is considered the effective time in which metals corrode. System was designedconsidering the user requirements as the selection of the frequency of measurements, the calculation ofTOW and verification of the residual energy of sensor nodes. The results show the effectiveness of thetechnology used, so that, we can conclude that this type of networks represent a feasible alternative forautomated monitoring of corrosion in metals. %K Wireless Sensor Network %K atmospheric aggressiveness %K time of wetness %K corrosion %K humid tropical climate %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijasuc/papers/2411ijasuc03.pdf