%0 Journal Article %T agodzenie objaw¨®w poznawczych poprzez stosowanie odpowiedniej diety u os¨®b z chorob Alzheimera %A Mariusz Jaworski %J Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia %D 2010 %I Termedia Publishing House %X Alzheimer¡¯s disease (AD) affects in Poland approximately200 000 aged people. It is characterized by a significantloss of neurons in the area of the bark of the brain.Scientists pay more attention to the link between thedevelopment of this disease and bad nutrition behaviors.The studies have shown that the best results in thetreatment of cognitive symptoms in relation withpatients with AD are obtained when reduced-caloriediet of Mediterranean, rich in antioxidants such as:vitamins with influenza B, vitamin C, E and polyphenolsis applied. The diet should be scarce in saturated fattyacids and trans fatty acids. The consumption of fish oncea week is recommended because it is a rich source ofpolyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3. At the same timeincreased consumption of raw vegetables and fruits isimportant, which provide vitamins and minerals. Leanmeat and dairy products fermented with a reduced fatcontent are recommended. Suitable diet can improvecognitive functioning of AD-affected people, however,is not able to fully protect from AD. This diet may alsoserve as preventive measure. %K mediterranean diet %K Alzheimer¡¯s disease %K nutrition. %U http://www.termedia.pl/Artykul-pogladowy-Lagodzenie-objawow-poznawczych-poprzez-stosowanie-odpowiedniej-diety-u-osob-z-choroba-Alzheimera,46,16250,1,0.html