%0 Journal Article %T El car芍cter hist車rico de la concepci車n cusana de verdad %A Marcelo Leonardo Levinas %A An赤bal Szapiro %J Revista Latinoamericana de Filosof赤a %D 2011 %I Centro de Investigaciones Filos車ficas %X Analizamos la historicidad de la concepci車n de verdad de Nicol芍s de Cusa mediante el estudio de: i) las rupturas y continuidades existentes entre su concepci車n y otras concepciones de verdad anteriores, y ii) la pertenencia institucional y el momento hist車rico del Cusano. Vinculamos las continuidades entre su obra eclesiol車gica y su obra filos車fica con la afinidad existente entre ellas y sus objetivos pol赤ticos en el marco de su actuaci車n en los conflictos de la Iglesia. Establecemos c車mo el momento hist車rico constituye un factor no s車lo contextual sino tambi谷n explicativo de su pensamiento filos車fico. We analyze the historicity of the Nicholas of Cusa∩s conception about truth through the study of: i) the ruptures and continuities between his conception and other previous conceptions of truth, and ii) his institutional belonging and the historical moment. We link the continuities between his ecclesiological work and his philosophical work with the affinity among them and its political objectives framed in the conflicts of the Church of that time. We show how the historical moment constitutes not only a contextual factor but also an explicative one of his philosophical thought. %K Nicol芍s de Cusa %K Verdad %K Momento hist車rico %K Nicholas of Cusa %K Truth %K Historical moment %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1852-73532011000100003