%0 Journal Article %T A Gaps Approach to Access the Efficiency and Effectiveness of IT-Initiatives In Rural Areas: case study of Samalta, a village in the central Himalayan Region of India %A Kamal Kumar Ghanshala %A Durgesh Pant %A Jatin Pandey %J International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and Applications %D 2013 %I The Science and Information (SAI) Organization %X This paper focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of IT initiatives in rural areas where topology creates isolation to developmental activities. A village is selected for the study and information is gathered through interviews of village dwellers. These collected responses are then analyzed and a gaps model is proposed. %K KDJ-Gaps Model %K Efficiency %K Effectiveness %K IT-Initiatives %U http://www.thesai.org/Downloads/Volume4No2/Paper_37-A_Gaps_Approach_to_Access_the_Efficiency_and_Effectiveness.pdf