%0 Journal Article %T Error Analysis on Estimation Method for AirTemperature, Atmopspheric Pressure, and Realtive Humidity Using Absorption Due to CO2, O2, and H2O Which situated at Around Near Infrared Wavelength %A Kohei Arai %J International Journal of Advanced Computer Sciences and Applications %D 2013 %I The Science and Information (SAI) Organization %X A method for air-temperature, atmospheric pressure and relative humidity using absorptions due to CO2, O2 and H2O which situated at around near infrared wavelength region is proposed and is evaluated its validity. Simulation study results with MODTRAN show a validity of the proposed method. %K absorption band %K regressive analysis %K air-temperature %K atmospheric pressure and relative humidity estimations %U http://thesai.org/Downloads/Volume3No12/Paper_31-Error_Analysis_on_Estimation_Method_for_Air_Temperature_Atmopspheric_Pressure_and_Realtive_Humidity_Using_Absorption.pdf