%0 Journal Article %T Zwi zek temperamentu w uj ciu regulacyjnej teorii temperamentu z objawami zaburzenia stresowego pourazowego w r¨® nych grupach poszkodowanych %A WŁżodzimierz Oniszczenko %J Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia %D 2010 %I Termedia Publishing House %X The aim of our studies was to investigate an associationbetween temperamental traits postulated in theRegulative Theory of Temperament and post-traumaticstress disorder symptoms in different groups of victims.The studies were run on four groups of participants:miners who experienced a mining catastrophe, floodvictims, firemen, and cancer patients. All temperamentaltraits were measured using the Formal Characteristics ofBehavior ¨C Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI). PTSDsymptoms (intrusion/arousal and avoidance/numbing)were measured with the factorial version of the PTSDInventory (PTSDF). The significant relationship betweenfive of six temperamental traits (briskness, perseveration,emotional reactivity, endurance, and activity) and posttraumaticstress disorder symptoms has been confirmed.Especially, emotional reactivity and perseveration arehighly correlated with PTSD symptoms in all groupsunder studies. The results suggest that temperamentaltraits postulated in the regulative theory of temperamentmay be considered as endophenotypes for anxietydisorders. %K temperament %K post-traumatic stress disorder %K endophenotype %U http://www.termedia.pl/Artykul-oryginalny-Zwiazek-temperamentu-w-ujeciu-regulacyjnej-teorii-temperamentu-z-objawami-zaburzenia-stresowego-pourazowego-w-roznych-grupach-poszkodowanych,46,14915,1,0.html