%0 Journal Article %T Neuropsychologiczna ocena funkcjonowania poznawczego dzieci po operacji usuni cia t tniaka wewn trzczaszkowego ¨C studium przypadku %A Anna Starowicz %A Olga Milczarek %A Stanis£żaw Kwiatkowski %A Agnieszka Ku£żaga %J Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia %D 2009 %I Termedia Publishing House %X Main aim: The article contains a description of cognitivefunctioning of two children after surgery of brainaneurysm. Vascular malformations of the brain inchildren are very rare in clinical practice, so it is of greatimportance to investigate the long-term neuropsychologicalconsequences of aneurysmal subarachnoidhaemorrhage, including social and emotional functioningof these children.Material and method: Two children were neuropsychologicallyinvestigated, a thirteen-year old boy anda sixteen-year old girl. In both cases the aneurysm waslocated in the left parietal lobe, parietal-occipital artery.In the first case the investigation took place two yearsafter the surgery, and in the second case four years afterthe surgery. In the neuropsychological investigationseveral tools were used including: the WechslerIntelligence Scale, and some experimental methods fromthe ucki Book for investigating the cognitivefunctioning of patients with organic brain damage. Aninterview with the parents of the children was alsoundertaken.Results: Significant neuropsychological deficits wereobserved in two described patients which negativelyinfluence the educational as well as social functioningof the children. In both cases there were problems withmemory functioning and learning new material¨C the most important cognitive ability which helps toeffectively adapt to new situations.Conclusions: Early finding of neuropsychologicaldeficits in children after aneurysmal subarachnoidhaemorrhage can provide an effective neurorehabilitationof some cognitive functions and help these children toadapt to new situations of the illness. %K aneurysm %K neuropsychological assessment %K cognitive function %U http://www.termedia.pl/Neuropsychologiczna-ocena-funkcjonowania-poznawczego-dzieci-po-operacji-usuniecia-tetniaka-wewnatrzczaszkowego-8211-studium-przypadku,46,12605,1,0.html