%0 Journal Article %T NeurotransmittersĄŻ activity and pharmacotherapies: From decision making process to juridical implications %A Abdelaziz GHANEMI %J International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences %D 2013 %I Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) %R 10.11591/ijaas.v2i3.1833 %X (the abstract of this paper is a graphical abstract that has been supplemented with a written abstract which is : ) NeurotransmittersĄŻ activities and pharmacological therapies influence the functions of the brain during decision making process .Therefore, an individual can be under the influence of pharmakons or suffering from neurological disorders when behaving under particular circumstances which may have an impact on the juridical decisions and verdicts if the court takes into consideration the above mentioned factors supported by experts opinions on psychiatry and psychology. %U http://www.iaesjournal.com/online/index.php/IJAAS/article/view/1833