%0 Journal Article %T Right to Education Act: An Analysis of Teachers Awareness in Central India %A Prashant Thote %A L. Mathew %A D.P. S Rathoure2 %J International Journal of Advanced Research %D 2013 %I %X The present study is an attempt to find the awareness on Right to Education Act -2009 among Primary School Teachers of Morena District, Central India. The information was gathered through a questionnaire constructed for this purpose. The questionnaire consists of 40 questions related to awareness on Right to education act . A survey was conducted among 200 respondents by using the questionnaire. The data collected were grouped and analyzed using mean, SD,¡¯t¡¯ test. Findings revealed that the primary school teachers of the Morena district have significant awareness on Right to education act. The result of the survey showed that the Right to education act awareness must still be more promoted. %U Right to Education Act; Awareness; Survey