%0 Journal Article %T Criteria for robustness of heteroclinic cycles in neural microcircuits %A Peter Ashwin %A £¿zkan Karabacak %A Thomas Nowotny %J The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience %D 2011 %I Springer %R 10.1186/2190-8567-1-13 %X The robustness or otherwise of such cycles depends both on the coupling structure and the internal structure of the neurons. We verify that robust heteroclinic cycles can appear in systems of three identical cells, but only if we require perturbations to preserve some invariant subspaces for the individual cells. On the other hand, heteroclinic attractors can appear robustly in systems of four or more identical cells for some symmetric coupling patterns, without restriction on the internal dynamics of the cells.For some time, it has been recognized that robust heteroclinic cycles (RHCs) can be attractors in dynamical systems [1], and that RHCs can provide useful models for the dynamics in certain biological systems. Examples include Lotka-Volterra population models [2] in ecology and game dynamics [3]. Similar dynamics has been used to describe various neuronal microcircuits, in particular winnerless competition (WLC) dynamics [4] has been the subject of intense recent study. For example, [5] find conditions on the connectivity scheme of the generalised Lotka-Volterra model to guarantee the existence and structural robustness of a heteroclinic cycle in the system, [6] consider generalised ¡°heteroclinic channels¡±, [7] use them as a model for sequential memory and [8] suggest that they may be used to describe binding problems. One question raised by these studies is whether Lotka-Volterra type dynamics is necessary to give robust heteroclinic cycles as attractors and how these cycles relate to those found in other models [9,10]. The purpose of this paper is to show that attracting heteroclinic cycles may be robust for a variety of reasons and appear in a variety of dynamical systems that model neural microcircuits. In doing so, we give a practical test for robustness of heteroclinic cycles within any particular context and demonstrate it in practice for several examples.This paper was motivated by a recent paper on three synaptically coupled Hodgkin-Huxley type neuron %U http://www.mathematical-neuroscience.com/content/1/1/13