%0 Journal Article %T Software for Measurement in Real-Time of Transmission Line Fields %A Jovanio S. S Jr %J International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences %D 2011 %I RG Education Society %X The objective of this paper is to contribute with theresearches on the mapping of the electromagnetic fields oftransmission lines using the Charge Simulation Method andMATLAB to develop a software that is capable of measure the electromagnetic fields of transmission lines. The software hasseveral different analyses for the electromagnetic fields, whichinclude the electromagnetic graphs, the 3-D graph for the electricfield and the 3-D graph for the magnetic field, which arepresented in this paper. The user can analyze the fields togetheror separated, for more specific analysis. An embedded systemwas coupled to the software, in order to provide the data for thefunctioning of it, getting of the voltage and current the valuesprovided to the load. The importance of developing software likethat is that it gives to students and researchers a very powerfultool for the simulation of electromagnetic fields. The results showcoherent to others measurements %U http://rgjournals.com/index.php/ijse/article/view/54