%0 Journal Article %T Agriculture Landuse Pattern in Solapur District of Maharashtra %A Todkari G.U. %A Suryawanshi S.P. %A Suryawanshi M.V. %A Patil B.D. %J International Journal of Agriculture Sciences %D 2010 %I Bioinfo Publications %X In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the agricultural landuse pattern at micro levelin Solapur District. This study is based on secondary data collected from secondary records. Agricultureproduction is influenced by physical, climatological, socio-economic, technological and organization factors.An Endeavour is made here to study crop combination regions in Solapur District for year 2004-2005. This isnormal year for agriculture phenomenon in this district. The crop data has been computed with the help ofWeaverĄŻs technique of crop combination. Solapur district occupies southern part of Maharashtra state. Itoccupies an area of 14,84559 sq.km. And supports 32.32 lack of population in 2001 censes. Administrativethe district is divided in to eleven tahsils. Physiography, temperature, rainfall, soil and drainage influence onagriculture landuse pattern in this district. Temperature is high in summer. Because of district is located indrought prone area of Maharashtra. Rainfall varies between 200 to 600 millimeters rainfall from west to eastin entire district. Thirteen crops have been considered for crop ranking and crop combination. Among these,jawar, wheat, bajara, sugarcane, gram, maize, safflower, cotton, etc. are the major crops. By computing cropranks and crop combination in Solapur District has identified ten crop combination. Such type of studyrepresents real situation of cropping pattern in Solapur District and helps to planners, agricultural scientistsand research scholars. %K Landuse pattern %K crop ranking %K crop combination %K cropping pattern %U http://www.bioinfo.in/uploadfiles/12796042192_2_1_IJAS.pdf