%0 Journal Article %T Procedure for the skeletal and visceral exam in fresh of rat and rabbit fetuses in the teratogenesis study %A Luis Alfredo Rosario Fern¨¢ndez %A Daniel Francisco Arencibia Arrebola %J RETEL : Revista de Toxicolog¨ªa en L¨ªnea %D 2010 %I Servicio de Toxicolog¨ªa del Sanatorio de Ni?os %X Teratology is the scientific discipline that, inside the zoology, it studies the abnormal creatures, those natural individuals in a species that it don't respond to the common pattern. The aim of this work was to describe the methods and techniques for the skeletal and visceral exam in fresh of rat and rabbit fetuses in the teratogenesis study. We kept in mind the procedure to describe the microscopic exam of rat and rabbit fetuses obtained the day 20 of the gestation, with reference to standard specimens, as well as to describe the visceral exam of rat and rabbit fetuses, without these have been previously fixed (the visceral exam takes place the day of the caesarean operation). %K Skeletal exam %K visceral exam in fresh %K rat and rabbit fetuses %K teratogenesis %U http://www.sertox.com.ar/img/item_full/28002.pdf