%0 Journal Article %T FIR Filter Implementation Based on the RNS with Diminished-1 Encoded Channel %A Dragana Uros Zivaljevic %A Negovan Stamenkovi£¿ %A Vidosav Stojanovi£¿ %J International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems %D 2013 %I International Science and Engineering Society, o.s. %R 10.11601/ijates.v2i2.32 %X A technique, based on the residue number system (RNS) with diminished-1 encoded channel, has being used for implementing a finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. The proposed RNS architecture of the filter consists of three main blocks: forward and reverse converter and arithmetic processor for each channel. Architecture for residue to binary (reverse) convertor with diminished-1 encoded channel has been proposed. Besides, for all RNS channels, the systolic design is used for the efficient realization of FIR filter. A numerical example illustrates the principles of diminished-1 residue arithmetic, signal processing, and decoding for FIR filters. %U http://www.ijates.org/index.php/ijates/article/view/32