%0 Journal Article %T Comparative mitochondrial proteomics: perspective in human diseases %A Yujie Jiang %A Xin Wang %J Journal of Hematology & Oncology %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1756-8722-5-11 %X Mitochondria, which are mainly composed by proteins and lipids, are considered as the most complex and the most important organelles of eukaryotic cells. They not only play a leading role in the energy metabolism, but are also closely involved in many cellular processes. Furthermore, mitochondria have a manageable level of complexity as a consequence of their apparent prokaryotic ancestry. Their endosymbiotic origins have been well preserved in their double membrane structure, and they possess their own circular genome with mitochondria-specific transcription, translation, and protein assembly systems [1]. Based upon the human genome, there is estimated to be approximately 2000 to 2500 mitochondrial proteins [2], however, just over 600 have been identified at the protein level [3]. For this reason, mitochondria contain a great number of proteins that have yet to be identified and characterized.Due to the fact that proteins are the carriers of biotic movement, the mitochondrial proteome is deemed as an ideal target for global proteome analysis. In the past, many effects of disease processes in which mitochondria are involved have been studied using classic biochemical methods [4]. However, these studies usually focus on only one particular protein, but not on the whole mitochondrial proteome. Recent developments in proteomics have allowed more in-depth studies of proteins. Proteomics is the large-scale study of all proteins in an organism and allowes a global insight into the abundance of protein expression, localization, and interaction. Combining genomics, mass spectrometry, and computation, it is possible to systematically identify the mammalian mitochondrial proteome. The proteome is often used to investigate the pathogenesis, cellular patterns, and functional correlations on protein levels in a non-biased manner [5]. This proteomic approach also allows the possibility for developing new candidate biomarkers for the diagnosis, staging and tracking of disease. Com %K Mitochondrial proteome %K Comparative proteomics %K Mass spectrometry %K Biomarkers %U http://www.jhoonline.org/content/5/1/11