%0 Journal Article %T Caracter¨ªsticas del empleo y bienestar subjetivo en m¨¦dicos de la Regi¨®n Metropolitana Characteristics of employment and wellbeing among physicians working in Santiago, Chile %A Julia Acu£¿a %A Irene Schiattino %A Nina Horwitz %A M. Luz Bascu£¿¨¢n %J Revista m¨¦dica de Chile %D 2013 %I Sociedad M¨¦dica de Santiago %X Background: Profound changes have been observed in medical practice during the last thirty years. This may be understood as a result of the influence of economic variables in health services management, among other probable causes. At the same time, doctors' work has been diversified, and a tendency to work in several paid jobs simultaneously has been observed. Aim: To describe the characteristics of employment in a representative sample of Chilean physicians. Material and Methods: A probabilistic sample of 414 physicians residing in Metropolitan Santiago answered a survey about their number and type of jobs and completed the BIS UMED questionnaire that measures the subjective wellbeing of physicians. Results: Forty percent of surveyed physicians had three or more jobs (36.3% of men and 47.5% of women). There was a significant inverse association between the number of jobs, general wellbeing and facing medicine from a new perspective. Conclusions: The number of jobs is inversely related to the general wellbeing of physicians. %K Employment %K Physicians %K Wellbeing %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-98872013000200007