%0 Journal Article %T Towards Learner Centered Pedagogies by Teacher Educators in Kenya: A Study of Kericho Teachers' Training College %A ROP CHEPKEMOI Willitter %A OSMAN Ahmed %A KIRUI J. E. KipngĄŻetich %J International Journal of Asian Social Science %D 2013 %I Asian Economic and Social Society %X This was a college-wide action research that assessed the use of various pedagogies by teacher educators. It wasabout how teacher educators could change their classroom instruction to advance student teachersĄŻ achievements. The study was conducted among 61 educators and 200 teacher trainees in KerichoTeachers Training College (TTC) using questionnaires and document analysis. The data captured was analyzed using SPSS Version 17.0 computer software programme. Data was presented using tables, frequencies, percentages and means. Open ended question items were put into themes and discussed. This research initially found that the teacher educators were mainly using teacher centered methodologies and they needed insets in subject area pedagogies. The research therefore recommended that the college should organize workshops to equip the educators on learner centered methodologies. The college stakeholders implemented this recommendation. Later the researchers evaluated the extent of execution after two months and found significant improvements on the use of learner centered approaches in the college. %K Learner centered methodologies %K teacher centered methodologies %K teacher trainer/educator %K teacher trainee %U http://www.aessweb.com/abstract.php?m=January(2)2013&id=5007&aid=1739