%0 Journal Article %T Data Mining Visualization to Support Biochemical Markers for Liver Fibrosis in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus %A Ayman Khedr & Samir Sabry. %J International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems %D 2011 %I Computer Science Journals %X The reference diagnostic test to detect fibrosis is liver biopsy (LB), a procedure subject to variouslimitations, including risk of patient injury and sampling error. FibroTest (FT) and ActiTest (AT) arebiochemical markers (noninvasive tests) used in determining the level of fibrosis and the degreeof necroinflammatory activity in the liver [1]. The objective of this work is to discover thedifferences in the temporal patterns between noninvasive tests and liver biopsy by visualizationtools, which made it easier to understand the relations of the complicated rules. This Study warefocused on the major serum fibrosis markers (FT/AT). The test uses a combination of serumbiochemical markers with visualization technique to evaluate whether biochemical markers canbe used to estimate the stage of liver fibrosis and necro-inflammatory activity in the liver. %K Data mining %K Visualization %K Hepatitis C %K Serum Markers %K Liver fibrosis. %U http://cscjournals.org/csc/manuscript/Journals/IJAE/volume2/Issue3/IJAE-55.pdf