%0 Journal Article %T Stability Analysis of A Neuro-Identification Scheme with Asymptotic Convergence %A Josek A. R. Vargas %A Elder M. Hemerly %A Elmer R. L. Villarreal %J International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X This paper focuses on the stability and convergence analysis of a neuro-identification scheme for uncertainnonlinear systems. Based on linearly parameterized neural networks and the previous knowledge of upperbounds for the approximation error and disturbances, a robust modification of the descent gradientalgorithm is proposed to make the overall identification process stable, and, in addition, the on-lineresidual prediction error asymptotically null, despite the presence of approximation error anddisturbances. A simulation study to show the application and comparative performance of the proposedalgorithm is presented %K On-line identification %K nonlinear estimators %K uncertain systems %K neural networks. %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijaia/papers/3412ijaia03.pdf