%0 Journal Article %T Particle Swarm Optimization of Speed in Unplanned Lane Traffic %A Prasun Ghosal %A Arijit Chakraborty %A Sabyasachee Banerjee %J International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Analysis of Speed Optimization Technique in Traffic is a very promising research problem. Searching foran efficient optimization method to increase the degree of speed optimization and thereby increasing thetraffic flow in a lane is a widely concerning issue. However, there has been a limited research effort on theoptimization of the lane usage with speed optimization. This paper presents a novel technique to solve theproblem optimally using the knowledge base analysis of speeds of vehicles, population of lanes , usingpartial modification of Swarm Intelligence which, in turn will act as a guide for design of lanes optimally toprovide better optimized traffic with less number of transitions of vehicles between lanes.. %K Transition Points %K Lane¡¯s Population %K Lane¡¯s average Speed %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijaia/papers/3412ijaia04.pdf