%0 Journal Article %T The effect of 8-week low impact aerobic exercise on plasma fibrinogen concentration in old women %A Shahla Dehghan %A Mohammad Faramarzi %J International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology %D 2013 %I International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology %X Applied Exercise Physiology focuses on the physiological effects of exercise training on physiological processes, health, and physical well-being. The aim of this study was investigation of effects of 8-week low impact aerobic exercise on plasma fibrinogen concentration in old women. Fibrinogen is one of the most important inflammation factors and a prediction index in cardio vascular diseases. Iranian women especially older ones are generally sedentary because of their traditional and religious believes. Samples were 23 healthy and enable to do physical activity old women of Shahrekord (Chaharmahal va bakhtiary province, Iran) retirement home. Subjects were randomly divided to two groups including experimental (n=14 individuals) and control (n=11 individuals). First, for assessment of fibrinogen level, 5cc blood samples were obtained after 8 hours nightly fasting from anterior vein in resting condition. Experimental group was participated in 8 week (three times a week) LIA training program (15 min in first day with 40% of maximum heart rate until 40 min in last day with 65% of maximum heart rate). All of mentioned measurements repeated at the end of 8 week training. The obtained results showed that 8 week LIA program has significant effect on reduction of old women plasma fibrinogen level (P=0.02). It seems that use of 8 week LIA training has positive effects on improvement of cardiovascular health and prevention of inflammation disease related to plasma fibrinogen level in Iranian old women. Key words: aerobic exercises, old women, fibrinogen. %U http://ijaep.com/index.php/IJAE/article/view/27