%0 Journal Article %T Researches concerning the breeding of Cyprinus carpio carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) species, in high densities in small spaces, using mixed fodders like farinaceous and grained type %A Nicoleta DOBROT£¿ %A Mioara COSTACHE %A Gheorghe DOBROT£¿ %A Soare STANCIOIU %J Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati. Fascicle VI : Food Technology %D 2010 %I Galati University Press %X The authors have set forth an experiment on breeding the Cyprinus carpio species in high densities, in small spaces, because thisis the traditional species of Romanian pisciculture and the most valuable species from the economic point of view, by using mixedfodders (like farinaceous type) and grained type. The two variants of our experiment performed at C.C.D.P. - Nucet, were carried out in two ground basins each of 1000 m2. The first variant consisted on feeding the fishy material with mixed fodders, with 24% gross protein; the second variant consisted on feeding the fishy material with grained fodders ALLER CLASIC 3mm, with 30% gross protein.Taking into account the identical conditions of the life environment and the high densities of population, the breeding of fishymaterial depends only on the additional food administrated in terms of its qualities, obtaining thus the following results: variant I¨C the basin was populated with 3000 exemplaries resulting in a production of 2692 Kg, with a consumption of mixed fodders of5000Kg; variant II ¨C the basin was populated with 3000 exemplaries, obtaining a production of 3652 Kg, for a consumption of grained fodders of 6000 Kg. %K carp %K small spaces %K high density %U http://www.ann.ugal.ro/tpa/Anale%202010/vol%202/Full%20paper%20NDobrota.pdf