%0 Journal Article %T THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE CAPITAL REGULATION IN CREDIT INSTITUTIONS ACCORDING TO THE BASEL I AGREEMENTS %A Mariana VLAD %A Mihaela TULVINSCHI %J Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava : Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration %D 2009 %I %X Capital is one of the key factors to be considered when the safety and soundness activity of bank is evaluation.An adequate capital based serves as a safety network for a variety of ricks to which a bank is expose d in the course ofits business. He absorbs the possible losses and provided a basis for maintaining depositor confidence in bank. Also,the capital is the ultimate determinant of a bankĄ¯s lending capacity. A bankĄ¯s balance sheet cannot be expanded beyondthe level determined by its capital adequacy ratio. Therefore, the availability of capital consequently determines themaximum level of assets. %K bank %K capital adequacy ratio %K capitalĄ¯s bank %K solvency %U http://www.seap.usv.ro/annals/arhiva/ANNALS%20VOL.9,NR.1%289%29,2009%20fulltext.pdf