%0 Journal Article %T A Forma o de Pre os de Servi os no Terceiro Setor: Um Estudo de Caso no Estado da Para¨ªba %A Orleans Silva Martins %A Vald¨¦rio Freire de Moraes J¨²nior %J Reunir : Revista de Administra£¿£¿o, Contabilidade e Sustentabilidade %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Campina Grande %X This study aimed to analyze the method adopted for the training of the sales prices of the services of a nonprofit organization established in the state of Paraiba. For this, we performed a literature review of third sector entities, the process of price formation, with emphasis on methods applicable to the price of services, besides the characteristics that these services may have. Accordingly, we made a case study in an exploratory nonprofit organization of the State of Para¨ªba, based on the procedures of the research literature and documents, relying on the inductive method. For data collection, as well as documentary research, an interview was conducted with the manager of the organization. In their results, note that the pricing of services of the organization ends up being driven by the market, considering that, by classifying the determinants of price, factors belonging to the market had higher grade point average among the total of factors. %K Price formation. Services. Third Sector. %U