%0 Journal Article %T Central nervous system malformations anencephaly and encephalocele: A report of two cases (Malformaciones del sistema nervioso central anencefalia y encefalocele: Reporte de dos casos) %A Pe£¿aloza-Valenzuela Juan Jos¨¦ %A Torrico-Aponte William Alexander %A Torrico-Aponte Mario Luis %J Revista M¨¦dico-Cient¨ªfica ¡°Luz y Vida¡± %D 2011 %I Fraternidad Acad¨¦mica Cient¨ªfica Social M¨¦dica "Luz y Vida %X It is reported one case of anencephaly and one encephalocele. Theyare defects of neural tube phenotypically different, with differentprognosis and different therapeutic approach, they were at HospitalMaterno Infantil Germ¨¢n Urquidi of Cochabamba.The first case is a 19 year old primigravida who comes with laborfor 8 hours, with gestation of 23 weeks, without any antenatalcare, with stable vital signs, uterine height 19 cm, product indifferent situation UD 3/10/30/++, fetal heart rate inaudible, 4 cm of central cervical dilatation, intact membranes, pelvic pole. She isadmitted with diagnoses of: G1D0, 23 weeks pregnancy, stillbirth,labor, it was attended a stillbirth delivery of female sex weighing985 grams, APGAR 0, with no brain nor cranial, exophthalmos andspina bifida.The second case is a 21-year second pregnancy woman remittedto Vinto Hospital she was asymptomatic with uterine height of 20cm, fetus in a longitudinal, pelvic presentation, fetal heart rate of140 x min without dynamic uterine or cervical changes. She wasadmitted with diagnoses of: G2 D1, 25 weeks pregnancy, live fetusand congenital malformation. The laboratories report: Urinarytract infection, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and high alphafetoprotein.Ultrasound matches occipital cephalocele and acrania.Delivery is induced obtaining a male death product with a weight of1086 g, height of 37 cm, APGAR 0, with solution of continuity inthe occipital region in which the brain protrudes with its meninges,and scalp.Both patients enrolled in the puerperium favorably. -RESUMEN: Se presenta un caso de anencefalia y otro de encefalocele; defectos de cierre del tubo neural fenot¨ªpicamente distintos, con diferente pron¨®stico y distinto manejo terap¨¦utico, atendidos en el Hospital Materno Infantil Germ¨¢n Urquidi de Cochabamba.El 1er caso corresponde a una primigesta de 19 a os que acude contrabajo de parto de 8 horas, con gestaci¨®n de 23 semanas; sin ning¨²ncontrol prenatal; con signos vitales estables, altura uterina 19cm, producto en situaci¨®n indiferente DU de 3/10/30/++, FCF negativa;c¨¦rvix central con 4 cm de dilataci¨®n, membranas integras,polo p¨¦lvico. Ingresa con diagn¨®sticos de: G1P0, embarazo de 23semanas, ¨®bito fetal, trabajo de parto; atendi¨¦ndose parto de ¨®bitofetal de sexo femenino con peso de 985 gr, APGAR 0; con ausenciade enc¨¦falo y calota craneana, exoftalmos y espina b¨ªfida.El 2o caso corresponde a una segundigesta de 21 a os referida delHospital de Vinto, asintom¨¢tica con altura uterina 20 cm, productoen situaci¨®n longitudinal, presentaci¨®n p¨¦lvica, FCF de 140 xmin, sin din¨¢mica uteri %K Anencephaly %K Occipital encephalocele %K Nervous system malformations. %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyZXZtZWRpY29jaWVudGlmaWNhbHV6eXZpZGF8Z3g6Mjk3NDU4ZjU4YmZhYzg1NA