%0 Journal Article %T LES MODELES MORPHOMETRIQUES DANS LE BASSIN HYDROGRAPHIQUE MRACONIA %A NECULA MARIA-CATI %J Annals of the University of Bucharest : Geography Series %D 2011 %I University of Bucharest %X The Mraconia catchment is a subbasin of the Danube, which is located in the Mountains of Banat, the basin is most developed in southern Almajului Mountains, which has an area about 115km2. The general direction of the drainage basin is the NW-SE; in the system hierarchy of Horton-Strahler this catchment has orders of magnitude 6. In the world of morphometric drainage of the river the catchment is considered the basic orders (number of river segments, the mean length, high drainage density) has a young character is generated in particular by regressive erosion. %K stream hierarchisation %K river network evolution %K order of magnitude %K the Mraconia catchment. %U http://www.annalsreview.geo.unibuc.ro/2011/2011_Necula.pdf