%0 Journal Article %T Importance of research in the formation of medical residents in Bolivia (Importancia de la investigaci車n en la formaci車n de m谷dicos residentes de Bolivia) %A Villaz車n-Urquidi Jorge %J Revista M谷dico-Cient赤fica ※Luz y Vida§ %D 2012 %I Fraternidad Acad谷mica Cient赤fica Social M谷dica "Luz y Vida %X -FRAGMENT: The Regulation of the National Medical Residency System (SNRM) in Chapter V ※Regulation, Assessment and Promotion of Medical Residents SNRM§ Article 47 paragraph c) indicates that ten percent of the fi nal evaluation corresponds to the work of Medical Research that the Resident Physician defends in court. This implies not only anopportunity but also a fortress for the process of research in the fi eld of medical science. In recent years an important progress has been made, but not enough to achieve better qualifi cations in researches that residents present annually.The actions performed by Graduate School and Continuing Education Department of Faculty of Medicine of Universidad Mayor de San Simon to strengthen research in medical residency are varied. Some general actions are: the development of some programs such as; Master of Health education , now in its seventh version, Diplomaed inTeaching-Learning Strategies for Health Personnel Training now in its eighth version, the Diplomaed of Higher Education with New Technologies in its second version. The specifi c actions are: the annual Research Workshop for all fi rst-year residents admitted to the National Medical Residency System, The development of Diplomaed in Tutoring for Health Research now in its fourth version. This last one diplomaed was created in response to the need of trainingtutors who have not only the will to do this activity, but also possess adequate and scientifi c training for this purpose, Inorder to encourage the participation of teachers in this Diplomaed we have a discount of fi fty percent on the fi nal costfor teachers responsible of specialties and twenty percent for all teachers from SNRM. -FRAGMENTO: El Reglamento del Sistema Nacional de la Residencia M谷dica (SNRM) en el Capitulo V ※Reglamento de Evaluaci車n y Promoci車n de M谷dicos Residentes del SNRM§ Art赤culo 47 inciso c) indica que el diez por ciento de la evaluaci車n final corresponde al trabajo de investigaci車n que el M谷dico Residente defender芍 ante un tribunal, esto no solo implica una oportunidad sino tambi谷n una fortaleza para el proceso de la investigaci車n en el 芍mbito de la ciencia m谷dica. En los 迆ltimos a os se ha avanzado bastante, pero tal vez no lo suficiente para lograr una mejor cualificaci車n de los trabajos de investigaci車n que presentan los residentes anualmente.Las acciones que efect迆a la Escuela de Graduados y Educaci車n Continua de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Sim車n para fortalecer la investigaci車n en la Residencia Medica son variadas, algunas de acci車n general como el des %K Research %K Medical residents %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyZXZtZWRpY29jaWVudGlmaWNhbHV6eXZpZGF8Z3g6MTAwMGY3MjUwZWM5ZDlhNA