%0 Journal Article %T Factors that influencing the prognosis of penetrating abdominal trauma by stab, Viedma Hospital, 2010-2011 (Factores que influyen en el pron車stico del trauma abdominal penetrante por arma blanca, Hospital Cl赤nico Viedma, 2010-2011) %A Aymaya-Gutierrez C谷sar Eloy %A Gutierrez-Choque Fanny Milenca %A Humerez-Rea Cinthia %J Revista M谷dico-Cient赤fica ※Luz y Vida§ %D 2012 %I Fraternidad Acad谷mica Cient赤fica Social M谷dica "Luz y Vida %X Background: The care of trauma patients result of accidents andattacks by stab is large and complex. The assessment of prognosticfactors is important and necessary in order to prevent this events .Objective: To determine the factors that infl uence the prognosisof penetrating abdominal trauma by stab in the Viedma Hospital2010-2011.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study.The unit of analysis studied was: Patients admitted to emergencydepartment of Viedma Hospital with the diagnosis of abdominalpenetrating trauma by stab.Results: The incidence rate of penetrating abdominal trauma stabrepresented 10% of total admissions to the emergency. The mostaffected gender was male (91%), the most affected age was between15-30 years. We observed that 25% have infl uence on theoccurrence of complications, 33,33% have infl uence on the lengthof stay , and 61,11% on admission to intensive care.Conclusions: Factors that Infl uence for the development of complicationsare: the time elapsed until patient care, the INR, hemoglobin,hematocrit and white blood cell differential (segmented) andinitial laboratory results, signs of peritoneal irritation, the numberof organs involved in the trauma, surgical time and the amount ofpacked red blood cells needed to stabilize the patient. It also influences over the need of intensive therapy: heart rate, respiratoryrate, level of consciousness, abnormal blood clotting, red blood cellcount, number and degree of affected organs, number of surgeriesand surgery time, recovery time, transfusion of packed red bloodcells and the presence of sepsis. -RESUMEN: Introducci車n: La atenci車n de pacientes por trauma producto deaccidentes y agresiones por arma blanca son de amplio y complejomanejo, siendo la evaluaci車n de los factores que infl uyen en su pron車sticoimportantes y necesarios para poder prevenirlos.Objetivo: Determinar los factores que infl uyen en el pron車stico deltrauma abdominal penetrante por arma blanca en el Hospital Cl赤nicoViedma 2010 a 2011.Material y M谷todos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo.La unidad de an芍lisis estudiada fue: Pacientes que se internaronpor el servicio de emergencias del Hospital Cl赤nico Viedma con eldiagn車stico de trauma abdominal penetrante por arma blanca.Resultados: La tasa de incidencia del trauma abdominal penetrantepor arma blanca represent車 un 10% del total de ingresos al serviciode emergencias. El sexo m芍s afectado fue el masculino (91%), laedad m芍s afectada la encontrada entre los 15-30 a os, se observ車que el 25% tienen infl uencia en la aparici車n de complicaciones, %K Penetrating abdominal trauma %K Stab %K Prognostic factors. %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyZXZtZWRpY29jaWVudGlmaWNhbHV6eXZpZGF8Z3g6NjljZmE5NzVjYjQyMjE0NA