%0 Journal Article %T The trans-complex medicine, a new paradigm in constant evolution (La medicina trans-compleja, un paradigma nuevo pero en constante evoluci¨®n) %A Carpio-Deheza Gonzalo %J Revista M¨¦dico-Cient¨ªfica ¡°Luz y Vida¡± %D 2012 %I Fraternidad Acad¨¦mica Cient¨ªfica Social M¨¦dica "Luz y Vida %X The current vision of medical branches and health-disease relationship by new advanced sciences such as: ¡°The Trans-Complex science¡±,sees the world as a complex and chaotic. It demands to mention it shortly but no less important about his conception and vision.With great wisdom, North American economist H. George said: a new idea generates three reactions in people: First, ¡°It is absurd¡±,then ¡°It is a dangerous¡±, and fi nally ¡°We all already knew it¡±. This phrase characterizes in a very accurate way what has been happening inmany health professionals in relation to the new paradigm of medicine: the Trans-Complexity. Because at fi rst, it did not generate the weight to be. On the contrary today is undervalued by many people who points that Trans-Complexity is just an interface between two conceptions Humanistic Medicine and Integrative Medicine.However, the importance of touch this issue is to know the change generated by the transition from one paradigm to another. It had to bemade a move from a positivist, linear and reductionist paradigm that just transmitted to us a fragmented and static vision of people/patients.It just generated an approach, suggesting that ordered behavior of our body indicates health. This also imposed on the health professional amarked address on the search of such damage, occurring biases to other signs or symptoms that could be referred by the patient. The Trans-Complexity also make us think it was possible to understand the complexity of the organism, which was not wrong for the times in which it was conceived, but rather helped to the advancement of medicine, because it helped meet the needs and problems of the people of that time.More now, with the changes caused in mankind, It had to be changed and transformed the conceptualization of thinking in order to fi nd aparadigm that can respond to the problems and needs that people have today. That¡¯s when Trans-complex paradigm arises. It is a new model,but it is not completed yet. It continues evolving as it is used on different knowledge.This new paradigm suggests the opposite of linear and reductionist positivism, saying that It is the disorder where ¡°the healthy¡± is, and the uniformity where the ¡°Damnific¡± is. Since, a healthy person present in his body adaptability to various internal and external elements that can generates alterations in it. If the body of this person does not fit ¡°generating systematic disorder ¡°in response to that stimulus, could not generate a response of shelter/protection.Ultimately, it is important to agree that the paradigm of Trans-Complexity is not %K Trans-Complex %K Medicine %U https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxyZXZtZWRpY29jaWVudGlmaWNhbHV6eXZpZGF8Z3g6M2NiODRmMmE1YjVhYWZkMg