%0 Journal Article %T STUDY OF AGE RELATED CHANGES OF MAXILLARY AIR SINUS FROM ITS ANTEROPOSTERIOR, TRANSVERSE AND VERTICAL DIMENSIONS USING COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHIC (CT) SCAN %A Sonia Baweja %A Asha Dixit %A Saurabh Baweja %J International Journal of Biomedical Research %D 2013 %I %R 10.7439/ijbr.v4i1.791 %X The maxillary sinuses are largest of the paranasal sinuses and contained within the body of maxilla. After birth, the maxillary sinus enlarges with the growing maxilla, though it is only full developed following eruption of the permanent dentition. When teeth are lost, the maxilla reverts towards its infantile shape. Thus, its height diminishes and the alveolar process is reabsorbed. In the present study, anteroposterior, transverse and dimensions of maxillary air sinus of 90 subjects divided into 9 age groups were measured by CT scan. The study concluded that there was gradual increase in all three dimension from age groups 0-25 years and thereafter, a decrease in dimensions was observed. %K Paranasal sinuses %K pneumatic %K alveolar process %K coronal plane %U http://ijbr.ssjournals.com/index.php/journal/article/view/206