%0 Journal Article %T Comment faire r¨¦aliser des activit¨¦s scientifiques et technologiques ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦cole primaire ? %A CLAUDINE LARCHER %J Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education %D 2009 %I Metaichmio Publications %X We briefly present the context of science education in France when la main ¨¤ la pate began in 1996 in order to reform the teaching of science and technology at primary school. Then, we analyse the propositions offered in the frame of this dealing comparing with the knowledge about teaching and learning descended from didactic researches. %K Primary education %K investigative approach %K scientific and technological activities %U http://www.ecedu.upatras.gr/review/papers/3_2/3_1.pdf