%0 Journal Article %T "PHOTOELECTRIC PHOTOMETRY OF CEPHEIDS" BY MITCHELL ET AL. (1964): AN OVERVIEW OF ITS ASTROPHYSICAL RELEVANCE %A A. Arellano Ferro %J Revista mexicana de astronom¨ªa y astrof¨ªsica %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional Aut¨®noma de M¨¦xico %X The paper by R. I. Mitchell, B. Iriarte, D. Steinmetz and H. L. Johnson, 1964, BOTT, 3, 24, 153 is among the most cited papers published in the BOTT. In this review it is highlighted how this work has impacted subsequent work on Cepheid stars and other fields of galactic astronomy. An overview of the relevance of Cepheid colors in the determination of physical quantities of astrophysical interest is given. %U http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=57120832012