%0 Journal Article %T On Deducible Information Flow in Synchronous Models %A C£¿t£¿lin Dima %A Constantin Enea %A Radu Gramatovici %J Annals. Computer Science Series %D 2009 %I Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara %X We revisit the synchronous model of Wittbold and Johnson of information flow, by investigating the relationship between two notions of information flow: a notion based on counting differently-observable high-level strategies and a notion based on the deductions that the low-level user makes on high-level activity while observing system behavior. We then relate our results to some known models of information flow: we show that bisimulation-based equivalence checking is too strong, since it labels variations in the observation due to system nondeterminism as information flow.We also show that a synchronous, trace-based statement of Generalized Noninterference does not properly capture information flow either. Finally we give a decision procedure for detecting information flow for finitestate systems. %U http://anale-informatica.tibiscus.ro/download/lucrari/7-1-12-Dima.pdf