%0 Journal Article %T Modeling the geographical studies with GeoGebra-software %A Ionica Soare %A Carmen Antohe %J Annals. Computer Science Series %D 2010 %I Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara %X The problem of mathematical modeling in geography is one of the most important strategies in order to establish the evolution and the prevision of geographical phenomena. Models must have a simplified structure, to reflect essential components and must be selective, structured, and suggestive and approximate the reality. Models could be static or dynamic, developed in a theoretical, symbolic, conceptual or mental way, mathematically modeled. The present paper is focused on the virtual model which uses GeoGebra software, free and available at www.geogebra.org, in order to establish new methods of geographical analysis in a dynamic, didactic way. %U http://anale-informatica.tibiscus.ro/download/lucrari/8-1-14-Soare.pdf