%0 Journal Article %T Anatomical Variant Hepatic Artery to the Hilum Plate Level: Case Study. %A Al Awad %A Adel %A Villasmil %A Odalis %A Mu£żoz Cabas %A Diego %A Villasmil %A Paola %J Revista Argentina de Anatomia Online %D 2012 %I Asociacion Argentina de Anatomia %X The following study shows the description of an anatomical variant of the hepatic artery (HA) in terms of distribution and location at the liver hilus level. We performed a prospective work, in which the liver pedicle was dissected in 30 corpses of both sexes (over the age of 18 with no liver damage), giving as a result the description of a variant of the hepatic artery as a case. A graphic and photographic record was made. Among the 30 dissected livers from the corpses, we spotted a variation of the HA with a segmented distribution. The HA originated in the celiac trunk and immediately took a horizontal direction, parallel to the liver hilum, arciform shaped and with cephalic convexity and caudal concavity. In terms of distribution, the common hepatic artery did not present any modification, while the proper hepatic artery manifested 5 segmented arterial branches in its convex side; in which, the first three correspond to the left side hemi-liver, while the two other correspond to the right one. The segmented variant of the proper hepatic artery is rare; however, it should be taken into account when planning hepatic-like interventions, such as liver transplants from live donors to guarantee the development of successful surgeries. %K hepatic artery %K anatomical variant %K hepatic pedicle %U http://www.anatomia-argentina.com.ar/RevArgAnatOnl-2012-3(1)-p14-17-variacanat-alawad-full.pdf