%0 Journal Article %T Comment les enfants justifient-ils ce qu¡¯ils savent faire ? Le concept de milieu g¨¦om¨¦trique dans l¡¯approche piag¨¦tienne de la formation des raisons %A IOANNA BERTHOUD-PAPANDROPOULOU %A HELGA KILCHER %J Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education %D 2008 %I Metaichmio Publications %X The relation between know-how and know to justify his/her action is explored within the Piagetian constructivist theoretical frame, particularly within the issue of Reasons. Reasons are considered as a reconstitution of the activity, contributing to its understanding by the subject. Thirty four children aged three to nine have been faced with a double task: determine the middle of geometric figures and then justify the chosen location. Results show that while determination is correctly performed at all ages by efficient perceptive evaluation, the justification undergoes a development leading from illustrative, to argumentative and finally to properly founding reasons from the age of eight years on. The relationship between action and reason is discussed on a cognitive, a social and an educational level. %K Action %K reason %K geometric middle %K developmental perspective %K International Center for Genetic Epistemology %U http://www.ecedu.upatras.gr/review/papers/2_1/2_1_5_18.pdf