%0 Journal Article %T PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDY AND ESTABLISHMENT OF QUALITY PARAMETERS OF LEAVES OF OXYSTELMA ESCULENTUM %A Devang J Pandya %A B. K. Shah %A N. S. Kapadia %A M. B. Shah %J International Journal of Biomedical Research %D 2012 %I %R 10.7439/ijbr.v3i4.229 %X Oxystelma esculentum is a perennial twiner growing near water-logged areas in the Indian subcontinent. The leaves are traditionally used as diuretic, galactagogue, anthelmintic, antiulcer, laxative and antiperiodic. The plant is also used ethnomedicinally in throat infections, skin diseases and jaundice. The present investigation deals with the pharmacognostical study of the leaves of the plant and establishment of its quality parameters. The study revealed important diagnostic features. Transverse section of leaf showed the presence of a sheath of calcium oxalate rosette crystals in the mid-rib and 2-3 layered palisade in the lamina. Microscopy of the powdered leaves revealed the presence of anomocytic stomata, various types of covering trichomes and parenchymatous tissue filled with numerous rosette crystals. Various physico-chemical parameters and quantitative microscopic parameters were established. From the phytochemical screening, the leaves were found to contain cardenolides, flavonoids, phenolics and sugars, which were estimated by their respective procedures. The present work can serve as a useful tool in the identification, authentication and standardization of the plant material. %K Asclepiadaceae %K Dudhlata %K Jaldudhi %K Oxystelma secamone %U http://www.ssjournals.com/index.php/ijbr/article/view/229